
Retrieves a specific email message variant


This endpoint returns details on an email message variant.

The optional $expand=statistics parameter provides additional statistics about this email message variant.


This endpoint responds with an object with the following properties:

emailMessageIdUnique identifier of email message
nameName of email message
variantsA collection of objects with the following properties:

emailMessageVariantId | Unique identifier of email message variant
name | Name of email message variant
subject | Subject of email message variant
statisticsSummary statistics about the email message, summed up over all the variants, as objects with the following properties:

recipients | Total number of email message recipients
opens | Number of email message recipients who opened the email
clicks | Number of email message recipients who clicked on a link
unsubscribes | Number of email message recipients who have opted out from your email list
bounces | Number of email message recipients who are marked as undeliverable
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