Added ability to merge duplicate contacts
You can now use the API to merge duplicate contact records via /people/{vanId}/mergeInto.
Added Value Score Loading
File-Loading Jobs to load Scores may now update Value Scores. See Scores and /fileLoadingJobs for information on usage.
Added Designations endpoint
You can now retrieve the details of a Designation using the new /designations/{designationId} endpoint.
Added support for Job Title to v4/people endpoints
You can now add a jobTitle
to a person via /people/findOrCreate and retrieve it via /people/{vanId} by specifying preferences
in the $expand
parameter. See Common Models for more details.
Added GET v4/people Endpoint
We've added a Quick Look Up-style endpoint for finding multiple contacts at /people. This allows you to find people (or organizations, if Organizations-as-Contacts is enabled) based on several search criteria including name, email, phone, etc.
Updated ActionTag gender query string options
56 • Not Listed
57 • Third Gender
58 • Cisgender Male
59 • Cisgender Female
Phone Number is now Required for certain Canvass Responses
The /people/{vanId}/canvassResponses (or /people/{personIdType}:{personId}/canvassResponses ) endpoint will now require
when canvassContext.inputTypeId
is 1
(Phone) or 37
Updated ActionTag ethnicity and preferred language query string options
For ethnicities, the follow options were added and removed
Updated ActionTag race and sexual orientation query string options
Added the following ActionTag race query string options:
25 • Not Listed
26 • Asian or Asian American
27 • White
Removed the following ActionTag race query string options:
1 • Asian
3 • Caucasian or White
Added the following ActionTag sexual orientation query string options:
25 • Not Listed
Added ability to Apply Activist Codes without creating Contact History
The /people/{vanId}/canvassResponses (or /people/{personIdType}:{personId}/canvassResponses ) endpoint is your go-to for applying Activist Codes to people. You can now use this endpoint to assign an Activist Code without creating a corresponding Contact History record by setting omitActivistCodeContactHistory
on the optional canvassContext
property to true
. This will work as long as all responses in the response
array are of type