
Callbacks are a rather technical feature set, and are not needed for the vast majority of uses of ActionTag. The callbacks described below are powerful, but also probably require some experience doing web development, and are not needed for most uses of ActionTag. Feel free to skip the rest of these docs unless you are a developer.

We have a series of callbacks in ActionTag which allow developers to alter bits of functionality. In order for ActionTag to know about your callback, we have a simple registration process.

First create the global JavaScript variable nvtag_callbacks (but only if it doesn’t already exist). The following snippet accomplishes this:

var nvtag_callbacks = nvtag_callbacks || {};

If your code is within a closure, you will need to explicitly ensure it is declared in the global namespace so ActionTag can find and reference it. Here that’s done with a local reference so that we no longer have to reference it by calling window.nvtag_callbacks:

window.nvtag_callbacks = window.nvtag_callbacks || {};
var nvtag_callbacks = window.nvtag_callbacks;

The last bit is callback specific. Perhaps you want to add a postRender callback to do something after the ActionTag form has been rendered.

  1. Instantiate that callback as an array if it doesn’t yet exist
  2. Create the actual callback function. The arguments to your function are the callback arguments listed below

Note, the first argument to a callback is always the name of that callback. This is done in an attempt to allow one function to be registered from multiple callbacks and then allow that function to handle things internally.

  1. Push your callback onto the postRender callback array:
nvtag_callbacks.postRender = nvtag_callbacks.postRender || [];
// This function can be called anything, we don't care
var sampleCallback = function() {
 alert("The form has been rendered!");

Putting it all together:

var sampleCallback = function() {
  alert("The form has been rendered!");
var nvtag_callbacks = nvtag_callbacks || {};
nvtag_callbacks.postRender = nvtag_callbacks.postRender || [];

At the right time in the ActionTag process, we will iterate over each of the callbacks in that array and call them.