Common Models

The following is an example of an Early Vote Field:

  "earlyVoteFieldId": 10
  "name": "Early Vote Method",
  "type": "Dropdown",
  "status": "Active",
  "values": [
      "id": 1,
      "label": "In Person"

Early Vote Field

Each Early Vote Field has the following properties:

earlyVoteFieldIdintUnique identifier for an Early Vote Field in this context
namestringA display name for the Early Vote Field
typestringThe type of UI control this Early Vote Field will display as; will be one of: Date, Dropdown, Checkbox, Party, or Text
statusstringIndicates whether the Early Vote Field is available to be applied to a contact in the current context. May be either Active or Inactive.
valuesarrayA list of values that can be applied to a voter's Early Vote record for this Early Vote Field; this property is only applicable to Early Vote Fields of type Dropdown


Each dropdown Value has the following properties:

idintThe unique identifier of the Early Vote Field Dropdown option
labelstringThe display name of the Early Vote Field Dropdown option