
Scores - often referred to as models - are values assigned to contacts, generally representing the the likelihood of that contact having a specific attribute. There are two varieties of Scores: Range Scores, and Value Scores.

Range scores have minimum and maximum values, which typically (but not necessarily) are 0.0 and 100.0. Higher score values usually indicate greater probability that an individual has a certain attribute.

Value scores have pre-defined discrete values and are often used with clustering models. Client Administrators set up Score Values through the UI, including long and short names. Users searching on or viewing Score data will see value names, rather than the numeric values shown for Range Scores.

Scores are not available in all contexts. It is not possible to retrieve Score values through the API. Contact Score values can not be edited in the UI, and must be applied through a Score File-Loading Job or a Data Service.

Scores are not intended to represent known values - due to the limitations on Score usage, those cases are better served by Activist Codes, Survey Questions, or Codes.

Scores are sensitive features that are often the highest-value proprietary data of an organization and require a heightened Tier in our Security Review Process.